Home Surplus Lines State Tax Filing Services

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Surplus Lines State Tax Filing Services

New to Surplus Lines Taxes? Looking for staff augmentation to flex to meet demands? Need back-office support?


We’re here to help!


Staying current with 50 state specific filing procedures is a huge time consuming effort for your staff, that’s why we offer full Surplus Tax filing services.

What makes us different:

  • Flat rate per policy
  • Simplified process
  • All 50 states supported


Save your staff from the frustration of filing surplus lines taxes, reports, forms and trying to stay current with 50 different state specific filing process. Our focus is on the processing and administration of surplus lines transaction processing, state required reports and tax filing / payment procedures.


  • We can file in all 50 states under your licenses
  • The cost is a flat rate based on the state to be filed in – know your costs up front
  • We can file Zero Business reports in those states that require them – stay compliant
  • The filing service includes all of the necessary monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual reporting requirements in the filing fee. No additional cost for tax reports.
  • You will receive a confirmation bordereaux at the end of the month with all of the transaction we received to file.
  • Simplified process – utilizes documents you already have, no duplicate entry.
  • We can customize the process to fit your specific business process. You choose how to utilize our services. Our clients range from filing all of their policies to just zero reports- and all levels in between


Contact us today to discuss your specific needs